
An Aquatic Life.....

My love for the ocean probably started before I could walk.  My father being a surfer and my mother being the beach bunny waiting for him on the shore, and me their offspring.  Being a water child, I always wished I could live under the sea in it's wonderland of differences from the surface.  I found the closest I could get to this was snorkeling.  In essence, becoming an alien being floating at the top of a foreign world.  Below are some recent images taken from this aquatic world....

Giant Sea Clam
(tridacna gigas)

Bubble Anenome
(entacmaea quadricolor)

"Giant Crossways"
Giant Grouper & Giant Trevally
(epinephelus lanceolatus) (caranx ignobilis)

Hawaiian Red Lionfish
(pterois sphex)

"Coral Forest"
Scroll Coral
(turbinaria peltata)

"Legendary Arow"
Asian Red Arowana
(scleropages legendrei)

"Seal Serenity"
Hawaiian Monk Seal
(monachus schauinslandi)

"Silver Seal"


Inhale A Gardenia.....

I found my "Immortal" flower in this beautiful gardenia treasury. Gardenias are quite special to me. My grandfather has a sizable plant in our yard that is probably older than I am. When they are blooming like wild, he will daily place freshly plucked and washed flowers in strategic vases throughout the house so around every corner you bump into the lovely fragrance of gardenia. The gardenia in "Immortal" is one of his gardenias. I plan to have a gardenia tattoo done in honor of him in the near future.

Curated By suzyq1981


Twirling Carousels.....

Summer magic....that is what a fair can be to children and adults alike.  Especially in the evening, when the colors come alive, the scrumptious smells permeate, and the dull roar of excited thrills fill the air.  I had the pleasure of taking Violet there for the first time, and did her the motherly honor of winning her a stuffed giraffe too :0)

In my meandering......I was able to capture these moments below

Take It Easy

Eye On The Prize

Twirl Me Here

Twirl Me There

Ageless Race

The Candy Color Stampede

Her Chosen Pony

(Violet walking with her aunty)


Taken By Hibiscus.....

Nothing represents the tropics more than the bright sight of an unraveled hibiscus flower (hibiscus rosa-sinensis). Like beacons in a sea of green jungle, it is said their brazen colors can be seen from a mile away.

In the Hawaiian islands, the hibiscus is the state flower. They are traditionally worn behind the ear by the women to signify to others if they are taken or single. Behind the right ear means she is available, behind the left means she is taken.

Quite the joy to photograph....here are some of my visions inside the hibiscus of Hawaii....


Pink Lady

Ruby Rays

Mai Tai

Gold Dust Dawn


After The Rain....

Happy Fine Art Friday! Found my 'Shamrock Dazzle' print in this Fine Art Friday team treasury. A wonderful rainbow of color and artistic talent....

Curated by CaryeVDPMahoney


Wicked Wild Orchid....

My love of orchids and the wild spirit of the female collided in my latest Etsy treasury creation below....

My quote.....

The power and spirit of a woman wild can be compared to that of a wild orchid....they are both beauties of nature, and neither can be overlooked.


Where The Wild Things Grow.,....

Around the corner from my house I found a wild patch of jungle growing along and behind a wire fence.  My eyes had a field day exploring this macro world of vines, flowers, and leaves, and the shots I got that day was well worth the humidity and mosquito bites I endured.

I find when I venture into botanicals I feel compelled to scientifically identify my photo subjects, so I have included their common and scientific names along with their titles......

'The Underside'
Pink Spotted Hawkmoth Caterpillar
(agrius cingulata)

'Blush Stroke'
 Bay Bean Flower
(canavalia rosea)

'Rain Catchers'
Bay Bean Flower
(canavalia rosea)

'Botanical Bosom'
Bay Bean Flower
(canavalia rosea)

'Wild Apparition'
Ivy Gourd Flower
(coccinea grandis)

Flora's Paintbrush
(emilia sonchifolia)

'Lauri Flora'
Blue Trumpet Vine Flowers
(thunbergia laurifolia)

'Minty Periwinkle'
Blue Trumpet Vine Flower
(thunbergia laurifolia)

'Tiny Glory'
Little Bell Flower
(ipomoea triloba)

'The Jeweled Star'
Obscure Morning Glory Flower
(ipomoea obscura)


Down To The North Shore.....

Last Saturday, we rounded up the kids and ventured down to the north shore in the early sunshine of morning. We decided to take them to Chun's Reef....a beach I've been going to since before I could walk. These are some of the images of exploration collected that day....

Highway To The Shore

The Queen's Jewels

The Claw That Got Away

Light Waves

Seaweed Soup For A Sea Turtle

Aqua Violet


Off With Her Head.....

Had to show this clever colorful little treasury some Alice In Wonderland love. My red rose 'Off With Her Head' is featured within....

Curated by aleciaoflaherty


Treasures To Win....

These are the fPOE treasury giveaways for April. Simply click on either or both of the treasuries below and leave a comment (1 per person) and you will be entered to win all of the items shown in that treasury. My 'Mums The Word' is featured in treasury #2. Winners will be announced in 2 weeks.....good luck!


Objects Of My Affection....

Had the pleasure of coming across these visual treasures yesterday.  They all caught my eye as my camera caught their images.  Art is alive everywhere, all you have to do is look....
Love By The Bottle

Must Haves

Ice Vessels

 Ganesha In Gold

Hindu Red


The Avante Garden.....

Curated by TheStrumpetsTentacle

My peculiar 'Palm Fingers' was featured in this eclectic collection of plants treasury.  They fit right in, I knew when I took that shot that people would appreciate it for it's strange feel and appearance....have you ever seen creepier fingers?


Lady Apples....

Lady Apples I
Walking in the market, I spotted these adorable miniature apples called 'Lady Apples'.  How fitting, being they were so dainty and pretty.  My first curiosity aimed at how something so small would taste, my second wanted to put them in front of my camera.

Miniatures fascinate me....one of the reasons why I am an avid fan of Alice In Wonderland...and even more so if they are nature made.  Unfortunately, my tastebuds were not as impressed as my visual sense.  They were sweet but rather bland.....my palate is partial to a tart cortland or braeburn apple.

Lady Apples II


Artful Eyed Females In Spring....

The fPOE slideshow is up for March, the theme was roadtrip.....

March 2011 Slideshow - Female Photographers of Etsy
from Art By Amarose on Vimeo.

and I thought I would throw in February's slideshow, since it was my first time participating in the fPOE monthly slideshows. The theme was kids & animals....my Violet Sky made a cameo appearance in one of mine :0)

February 2011 Female Photographers of Etsy Slideshow
from Art By Amarose on Vimeo.


In The Beginning....

I intend for this space to become a playground for my creativity.  A place for me to organize the chaos that swims in my head.  Where all the light bulb ideas that are awaiting to be harvested like ripe fruit on a vine.....can be gathered, sorted, and applied. 

My mission in life right now is to find a creative yet lucrative way to earn a living.  I want to create something that someone else needs to possess...needs to have in their life, and enhance it in it's own way.  The blessing and curse of it is, I'm a jack of most creative trades.  There are many avenues for me to explore....writing included.  So finding that magical niche item(s) has become my El Dorado, so to speak.  

Along with my photography which is my main attraction....I intend to experiment with drawing, watercolor, paper making, novelty egg baby dolls, embellished frames & mats, inventive stationery & possibly T-shirts, adult cards, and a little paper mache for good measure.  They shall all be explored in their own due time, it all depends on when my creativity wants to dive in....but the seeds have been planted.

My first blog....my first post....and so the quest begins.....